Wednesday, December 15, 2010


all in one

sweet tooth

trying some pocky banana, they said it was a dope I'm gonna prove it

biscuits, etica

Hey guys! :D

So I have good news and bad news,
The good news is that my school will have a study tour to Bali this Saturday. YEAY FRIGGIN XCITED. But I haven't packed anything yet. Just done with those bathroom stuffs. And about snacks. I bought LOTS AND LOTS of them (as you see up there, I'm not exaggerating) I was a little bit overwhelmed and confused about where I'm gonna put all those snacks. Excluding the drinks. I bought 4 types of drinks. The isotonic, soda, tea, and mineral water. But that doesn't matter because I drink a lot. And pee a lot too.

The bad news is that I. Haven't. Got. My. Period. Yet. Which is mean I got fifty percent chance to got my period there in Bali. And that, is not cool. I don't want to sit down on the beach when the other is having their fun time in the sea or else. I just wish I got my period as fast as I can OR got my period after the tour.

So, well wish us (34 2012) safe and have lots of great times there! TEE HEE.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jazz Moment by Dji Sam Soe

i love this kind of smoke :)

Isn't he just adorable?

this is the keyboardist that I told you about, he thanked me after i took this

pria idaman kebanyakan wanita, gw bukan salah satunya


well i don't know how about you guys but i love this pic :p

What do you think? I am so aware that I still an amateur. But even a pro used to be a dumb ass right?
I took all the picture. With a canon 450d and <3

Saturday, December 4, 2010

After the rain has gone II

Hello again blog,
I recently attended an event called "Jazz Moment" at Gazebo cafe, kota tua. At first I had planned to meet up at FX with my new friend on facebook, and from there we're supposed to go together to kota tua. But in the morning I had a math test so when I got home I fell asleep 'till 3 o'clock. I supposed to be at FX at 4 actually..

duh gw lagi capek mikir, pake bahasa indonesia aja yak

Ya jadi bisa dibilang gw ngaret. Langsung deh tuh gw pesen taksi dari depan komplek mengingat ga ada yang bisa nganterin. Gw naik taksi ampe halte busway ragunan doang, soalnya udah ga keburu kalo naek angkot. Satu hal yg bikin gw gedeg bgt waktu itu adalah ujan yang ngeledek sama si supir-taksi-yang-baik-hati-dan-rajin-numbuhin-kumis itu lama banget isi bensinnya. Kamfret. Gw berangkat dari rumah gw di bilangan Tanjung Barat jam 3.30 dan baru sampe ragunan jam 4, biasanya cuma 10 menitan.
Udah sampe halte beli tiket terus akhirnya capcus juga ke kota tua. Mata gw masih kriyep-kriyep di busway udah gitu hape sama ipod rusak jadi ga bisa denger lagu. Mana ujan lagi, yowes untung gw bawa ini buku judulnya The Catcher In The Rye ya lumayanlaaah biar ga mati gaya gituh di basweh :p

Perkiraan gw awalnya: berangkat dari ragunan 4.10 sampe fx jam 5an. Tapi nyatanya yang terjadi: berangkat dari ragunan sampe dukuh atas jam setengah 7. DUA SETENGAH FUCKING JAM maigoat...........
Jadi tuh emg namanya apes ya gw kejebak di kemacetan halimun jam 5 sampe stgh7 disaat orang lagi pulang kantor. Mana ujan lagi kan, pol banget ditambah dinginnya ac busway yg bertengger di atas kepala gw (atau emang di atas semua kepala?)
Di tengah macet itu gw cuma bisa berdoa semua doa yang gw bisa, kecuali doa makan, not necessary. Pas gw lagi khusyuk doa tiba-tiba hape gw geter. Ada sms,

From : GS Dewi
Dev, udah sampe mana? Kita udah nungguin di fx nih. Apa mau nyusul ke kota aja? Takutnya kemaleman ntar. Gapapa kan?

Gw sih ayo aja langsung nyusul ke kota. Dan satu hal yang ga temen baru gw ini tau adalah bahwa gw berangkat sendirian. Yaudah deh akhirnya sampe dukuh atas dan langsung antri busway jurusan kota. Skip aja ya ceritanya gw udah sampe halte kota dan gw dapet sms lagi,

From : GS Dewi
Dev kamu langsung ke gazebo cafe aja ya kita ketemuan disana kamu naik taksi aja. Tempatnya ga jauh kok. Ok?

Ok, jadi gw memutusk
an buat naek ojek aja soalnya itu kendaraan pertama yg gw liat begitu turun halte. Dan FYI, kota tua pas malem itu bagus juga ya ternyata hahaha lumayan buat referensi tempat hunting :p

JENGJENG jadi sampailah gw di gazebo cafe ini *tears* Pas di gate nya gw liat ada neonbox dji sam soe tulisannya 18+. Mati saja lah ya gw udah cenat cenut waktu itu takut ga boleh masuk. Trus ya udah mau gimana lagi gw udah sampe sini, perjalanan 3 jam, sendirian. gw.harus.masuk. Di gatenya itu juga ada 2 bapak-bapak duduk gitu gw gatau itu berdua ngapain lah ya. Mereka cuma meriksa tas trus ngeliatin gw dari atas ampe bawah (this made me felt totally humiliated) trus senyum dan mempersilakan gw untuk masuk.

Pas masuk venue, di sebelah kiri gw ada semacam bar kecil gitu dan disitu gw liat sebagian anggota BLP lagi kongkow pewe banget. Ya tapi ditahan dulu kenorakan-nya jadi gw langsung ke tempat anak goodspellers (fansbasenya blp) ngumpul. Dan akhirnya gw ketemu kenalan di facebook dan twitter ini. YEAY. But dude, you don't know what I've been through that day. Sampe situ gw kenalan sama yang lain juga, masih awkward gitu sih ya tapi ntar juga lama-lama semoga asik. Trus temen gw ini, nawarin buat makan. Trus nanyain dimana kupon makan gw. Lah gw yang baru dateng langsung bingung ini kupon apaan lagi yak. Trus tmn gw nanya setengah interogasi, "Lah tadi di depan, ga dikasih tiket sama kupon makan dev?" "Lha, tadi masuk ngeloyor aja tuh cuma diperiksain. Ga ada ticketing kok tadi." Lalu beberapa anak GS (goodspellers) yang denger percakapan gw langsung nyaut, "LOH BERARTI LO GA BAYAR DONG? GOCAP LOH." ok ini antara mujur atau emang bapak-bapaknya ketipu sama badan gw yang, sekedar info, sama miripnya sama performer di dalem. HAHAH gw agak merasa bersalah sih ya sama mereka yang bayar tapi yasudahlah ya nasi sudah menjadi ketupat #gaknyambung
Usut punya usut setelah gw cek twitter keesokan harinya si bangber ngetweet gini:

Elseos Jeberani E
Info terakhir, mlm ini Jazz Moment di Gazebo Cafe, no ticketing, alias FREE.. Tp hrs 18+ :)
dan ini
Elseos Jeberani E
Sekedar pesan buat yg pgn dtg ke Gazebo Cafe, tp blm cukup umur, kl berbadan besar, dtg aja :p

cukup menjawab pertanyaan gw....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Berlanjut ke acara utama, ya seperti biasa udah jadi hal lumrah kalo soundcheck bikin ngaret. Jadi waktu itu blp yang mestinya tampil jam stgh 8 jadi stgh 9. Lumayan lumutan juga sih nungguinnya secara belom bisa ngobrol banyak sama yg laen. Trus ya udah yang lain memutuskan buat mesen RAGUSA sedangkan gw celingukan nyariin bangber. Trus kita putu-putu dan gw disuruh jb padahal aku kan masih malu ceman-ceman ;p
Di tengah sesi foto tiba2 ada lelaki ambon manise lewat. Cihuy itulah yg ditunggu. Dan pas itu anak2 yg lain (dan gw tentunya) langsung manggil dia trus dia "EEEH hai!" lalu pas ngeh ada bocah bulukan nyempil (baca: gw) he was like "EEEEH PAKABAR?" w00t senang sekali dia inget guweeeeee haha *labil*

Sang MC yang kala itu lagi (sok) ngelawak pun akhirnya ngomong "Selanjutnyaaa mari kita sambut, Bari Likumahuwa Project!!" (iya dia bilangnya bari, bukan beri) langsung deh gw ngeluarin kamera udah ready get set go banget WOGH sangat berkoar buat moto-moto. Oh iya, sebelumnya gw juga mikir pasti bakalan rame gitu ternyata ya SEPI tapi ini yang gw suka. Musik jazz dengan audience yang ga begitu sesak. Selain enak buat fotonya, enak juga buat joget dengan leluasa. Sayangnya gw ga moto audience, males, udah terlalu in the hoy sama performernya.

I had such a great time pas blp manggung. Gw mondar-mandir depan stage, tapi teteup ya mesti jaga sopan santun, kalo ngga bisa disundut rokok ama penonton dewasanya. Ada suatu saat waktu gw mantengin di depan keyboardist terus pas abis gw fotoin dia kayaknya nyadar dan bilang makasih tanpa suara (ya iyalah kependem duluan ama speaker). Abis itu gw makin semangat. Gw set lah itu Canon 450d abang gw jadi monochrome warnanya alias item putih. Kenapa begitu soalnya gw mau nyoba nangkep momen waktu barry dkk pas endingnya kan pake asep2 gitu, biar keren aja *ezik*. Terinspirasi sama herman leonard juga sih ya kayaknya. Hahaha ngarep banget gw bisa kayak gitu bagusnya :p

Setelah blp selese, mereka langsung ke ruang ganti. Dan ini dia untuk kali pertama gw nyamperin ampe ruang ganti artis. Sungguh pengalaman berharga yang ditawarkan anak gs buat gw. Disitu kita nunggu blp selese ganti baju tapi udah cemas duluan karena di bawah, maliq udah maen. Tapi kita tetep stay diatas nunggu blp. Satu persatu personil mulai keluar. Anak gs pada foto-foto. Sedangkan objek gw cuman satu, dan muncul paling terakhir. Pas bangber keluar langsung deh tuh diserbu, meh. Gw foto ama doi terakhir-akhir soalnya emang sengaja ada sesuatu yang mau diomongin haha. Pas akhirnya giliran gw foto bareng, dia nunjuk dan langsung nanya "Gimana udah liat korannya belom?" OH ya jadi tuh seminggu sebelumnya barry diwawancara sama pikiran rakyat dan dia minta hasil foto gw buat jadi foto profil dia di koran itu. Tapi sayangnya gw ga bisa ngasih soalnya foto yg hi-res ada di laptop sepupu. Emang belom jodoh sih tapi ya at least dia udah minta gitu kan ya. Alhamdulillah banget. Terus gw jawab "Udah kak, waktu itu ada yg tweet photo kan hehe.....he he.." Eh dia malah ngeliatin rada sinisctic way trus gw langsung kyk orang dipalak cukong glodok "Ampun bang ampuuuun huhu maaf banget yaa" *ini beneran* terus sok-sok pake puppy face lagi ya ampun labil bener lu dep. Tapi ya dia bilang gapapa dgn senyum pepsodentnya uhuy. Trus sebelum foto gw request gaya biar trendy and funky bersama bangber, pas mau gw bisikin langsung awkward moment karena kupingnya dia yg mau gw bisikin itu ditindik. Yak. Yowes deh akhirnya kita foto bareng, bisa diliat hasilnya disini

Lanjut ke MALIQ & THE ESSENTIALS. Gw seneng banget gila karena ini untuk pertama kalinya bisa nonton mereka tapi sepi. Di saat mereka perform, gw ga moto sebanyak waktu blp. Soalnya gw mesti memanfaatkan waktu berharga itu yg mungkin ga gw temuin lagi. Iyalah, kapan lagi coba nonton maliq bisa joget lompat-lompat sana-sini dengan leluasa? Terus pas lagu Dia dimainkan, gw memutuskan buat akhirnya duduk setelah 2 jam berdiri. Di sebelah gw waktu itu ada suami istri gitu udah cukup berumur, rangkulan sambil cuddling gitu. Udah gatel banget pengen gw foto, unyu maksimal, jarang2 gw liat pemandangan kayak gitu..

Ok, the show was over. Gw dan anak gs lainnya akhirnya ke depan dressing room para performer. Gw tadinya ga mau ikutan tapi mengingat yang di dalemnya itu siapa....... jadi gw ngekor ajah ;p
Setelah rada bangkotan nungguin maliq lama banget gantinya akhirnya gw sama temen gw balik. Dan oh ya satu lagi, temen gw ini rada deket sama vokalis blp DAN tadinya diajak pulang bareng tapi kerana masih mau nonton maliq yaaaaaaaaaaaa udah deh hu sayang sekali.

Yowes akhirnya kita naek taksi berdua terus ternyata buncit masih macet aja loh jam stgh 1 padahal. Pertama gw nganterin temen gw dulu ke rumahnya di daerah ciganjur, ya ga jauh jauh amat sih sebenernya dari rumah gw, cuma belibet aja jalannya. Terus FUHNALLE sampe rumah juga deh saya. Selamet, utuh, capek, tapi SENENG BANGET. Ya despite all the struggle of the earlier math test and 3 hours bus ride, gw sangat seneng hari itu.

Thank you banget buat Dewi, yang udah gw repotin dari sebelum acara sampe selese.
Thank you banget buat anak-anak goodpellers yang walaupun gw baru kenal, tapi kalian asik banget.
Thank you banget bangetan buat barry, yang udah mempercayakan hasil foto amatir gw.
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah
dan terimakasih juga buat lo yang udah sudi mau baca ini tentunya ;)

foto nyusul ye

Friday, November 12, 2010

After the rain has gone


HEYALLZ it's been a looooong loooonng time no post rite?
Such a bad blogger you, Dev.

Ehm those exams and endless assignments blocked my chance to have my time for blogging. I do online every night, but I just don't feel like blogging much b'cause I connecting the internet for Google, wikipedia and stuff. So now I will tell ya about everything that happened while the blog is unattended *sounds creepy* OK WELL here goes........... (
sorry this might be kinda long)

So, as we all know that I skip half of September and October without making any post in here. Well, first, there was this "
teacher's technique for student torturing mode" or we can say, exams. Yes, my school has this mid semester exam that held every 3 months after starting the new semester. I don't know why, but I think the mid exam's test is harder than the final. Is it the new government policy or just a pleasure for teachers who had successfully tortured the pupils? idk.
Well, I spent those horrible night dating with text book, and for you who don't know yet, SCIENCE BOOK IS DAMN THICK. Me and my friend were wondering whether we could smash a puppy with it. Honestly I love learning science, but Indonesian educational system is not good man, I told ya. Fortunately, my bio teacher always bring those cool documentary from Discovery Channel (although it says that it is for elementary school yea whatever) it really helps me understand the difficulty of biology.

After I spent a horrible week struggling with books and Qs, there was this birthday celebration that my school held every year. This year's theme was High School Celebration. And I was FRIGGIN EXCITED because on the closing day, my "bro" came as the guest star with his wonderful/amazing/groovy band called Barry Likumahuwa Project. YEAYYOYEAYYOYEAYO (i took a pic with him, it is the top of this post):D

Ok so here's the bad news. I didn't do well with my exam so my report is totally awful. God, I really upset and disappointed with myself. But there's no time for mourning and look backwards, I HAVE TO AND I MUST GET BETTER SCORE THE NEXT EXAMS. Stop with all the moron me.

Now here's some good news. I attended the Java Soulnation Festival which is one of "my music" besides jazz hahahah.. Yeah as you can see the title soul, it was all about urban, hip hop, soul and r&b music. It was so so much fun, although there were some mistakes and misunderstood happened. And there I met my "bro" again hahahah and we took some pic 2gether. He represent the motown music back to us, youth/reckless/pop generation. I'm glad to saw that tribute, because I could sing 8 out of 10 songs that they played. Tee Hee yeah you can call me old then :p

AND NOW, the 1st semester final exam is almost here. 2 weeks again................ Have I told ya that it is TWO WEEKS AGAIN??? Hmmph sorry for my hyperbole sentences T_T
As I wrote up there, I have to and must get better score next exams, I really wanna do some changes. Whether my learning concept or the resumes, I have to keep working on it and make em better.

By the way any bus way, I have also made a "to do list" that must be done after the final exam. So here they are :
1. Focusing the final exam first *hell yeah*
2. Having a photoshoot, hunting, etc *sounds fun, eh?*
3. Web research for undergraduate scholarship
4. Go to the US embassy for any chances getting a scholarship or studex.

WISH ME LUCK and I mean it. Wish. Me. Luck.

tee hee i love you all, and you, B ;)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tribute to Herman Leonard

Herman Leonard, known as a jazz photographer. He had worked with many jazz legends such as; Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, until Frank Sinatra. He had collect 60.000 films of his photoshoot. Daym.
Too know further click here
and for the Indonesian language.

Although I just have known him for a while, he had become one of my inspiration, in photography d'uh. He made black and white blends with the smokey atmosphere of jazz become stunning. And as I see his portfolio, it has give me a bigger passion and further knowledge about music photography (which is I got deep into since.......idk).

Herman Leonard, signing for his book at one event idk what it is

And these are some of his shoots that impress me, ALOT.

Soon I'll be just like him. No, not literally bald and white bearded...... I mean, I hope someday my shoots could be as astonish as his. Amen :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

HAPPY (eid mubarak) DIMPLES DAY

First of all, I want to say "Happy Eid Mubarak" for every moslem who celebrate it. May Allah bless us this year and give the rest of our life with It's grace. Amen :)

Back to business,
Maybe this is the first time I posted about THE man
the bassist that I adore.
But please note that I have fallen for this guy since forever.

I didn't crop this, I wanted to give you the full pics but..........errrh the internet is so lame. I will post the full photo of this guy. Ciao!!

ps: yes, this is Barry Likumahuwa. He's extremely adorable ;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hey yo peops, long time no post. I'm such a bad blogger rite?
Blame those school tasks and tests. They make me feel retarded enough to just make a single post. Yes, I think my high school has this "evil plan" that includes torturing-pupils-with-tasks-and-some-other-shits.

THANK GOD, now is the time for us, kids, have a couple of weeks of ramadhan holiday. This is so important for me, because finally I can get the time that I wanted for making some projects and blablabla..

Talking about projects, actually I already made some back then, and posted them on posterous but once again, I am a bad blogger. But I leave it with some reasons, so don't just judge me like I told you so :p

Last month, exactly the same date as today, I had my 16th birthday. I didn't have like some parties or what, just mom who made the cake (as usual) and bro who brought us cake from sevengrain that is just some overthrows from his office, hehe. So from my birthday I got some money (which is super great) 'cos it can buy me a lomolitos and some ticket concerts later. YEAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :D

This post is just a re-introduction, I'll post pictures maybe in the next post. Or not, or yes. Oh well.....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

run run run

This video reminds me of one of Indonesian cigars commercials, Djarum Black.
Song : 8.5/10

Saturday, July 3, 2010

his issue

"My life might be little and boring, but at least it's mine-not some assembly-line, secondhand, hand-me-down life."

"Some days you wake up feeling great, full of freedom and possibility. But you haven't had one of those days in a long time. Maybe ever."


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

(Bukan) Windu Defrina

Windu Defrina
Sepasang anak muda
Mereka tenggelam di dalam
Ombak asmara

Memadu kasih
Mereka di pantai cinta
Merajut hati berdua
Di Oktaria

Pejamkan mata
Lihat dia disana
Buanglah duka
Demi cipta cinta

Windu Defrina..

gw gatau dua makhluk yg lagi kasmaran ini siapa, asal jepret aja

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Persetan akan desain.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I was, back then

Dancer always be a dancer
even when they don't put their costumes on
or the make ups and hair do.

When there are sounds and rhythms,
and when there are still enough atmosphere,
they are a dancer.

PS : I am NOT a dancer, anymore. I was, back then, when I was in the elementary school I joined the traditional dance class. Now I am too clumsy enough to do the dance, I still have the energy though.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

Oh my God the lyrics boost my almost desperate soul, I Love You BJ.THOMAS.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

HS stresses out

Hey guys (anja sok asik beudh)
Ok, sekarang bukan saatnya gw nge-post pake boso kumpeni, otak lagi butek, mumpet kayak wc. Ga gitu juga sih, tapi ya pokoknya lagi pusing aja. Hal ini tidak lain tidak bukan disebabkan oleh UAS. Ya, uas. Mulai dari soal-soalnya yg torturing sampe pengawas-pengawas ujiannya yang ga jarang minta dijadiin menu tambahan warung makan "Sudi Mampir : sedia kambing guling". Selain itu hasil dari uas itu sendiri. Kayak roller coaster sih sebenernya, ada yang naik (HORE) ada yang turun (BOO) mungkin karena gw udah mulai mengkonsentrasikan pelajaran sesuai penjurusan.

Oh, ngomong-ngomong penjurusan.. Sekedar info, gw disuruh IPA. Sebenernya gw juga ga keberatan mau disuruh IPA apa IPS. Every subject has its own good and bad sides. Dan gw masih suka gedeg sama orang-orang yang merendahkan ips dan mengagungkan ipa. Tapi gw juga sebel kalo dibilang orang ipa itu anti-socialist, rasanya gimanaa gitu. Babe ama enyak gw insist gw untuk masuk ipa soalnya mereka pikir itu merupakan golden ticket nya ITB, yang dalam kasus ini merupakan kampus idaman gw. Dan yang bikin gw makin tertekan adalah kenyataan bahwa 2 dari anggota keluarga gw (bokap ama abang pertama) merupakan alumnus dari situ. Ditambah lagi persaingan sekarang yang cukup bikin hasrat mending-gw-nyebur-ke-laut-aja-deh makin meningkat.

Unfortunately, I'M A LAME PROCRASTINATOR WHO KEPT ON DREAMING AND NO PROGRESS AT ALL. Jadi ya agak susah buat mewujudkan cita-cita yang sebegitu tingginya. I'm not a pessimistic either, yet. Gw heran, gw ini tipe-tipe orang yang memberi semangat sama orang tapi sekalinya ada beban pasti mundur sebelum perang gitulah istilahnya. I need some motivations to build up my spirit. Maybe something like cool stuff or what.

I know this is just a part of the scum of the earth, therefore I'm sorry readers.

I promise I will write a good post later. Ciao!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

clutter illusion

First post in May, yeay.
Kinda tough weekend. Homeworks are the worst murderer. No, the tests are. I've applied for an AFS program, and the test is tomorrow. Matilah awak.
Besides of those creepy things, i still have so much pressure. External-Internal. Mind-Body. People act differently these days.

Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart - Alicia Keys

Even if you were a million miles away
I could still feel you in my bed
Near me, touch me, feel me
And even at the bottom of the sea
I could still hear inside my head
Tellin' me, touch me, feel me

And all the time you were tellin' me lies

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you

Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart?
Well, you could try sleeping in my bed

Lonely, on me nobody ever shut it down like you
You want a crown
You made my body feel heaven bound
Why don't you hold me
Near me, I thought you told me
You'd never leave me

Looking in the sky I could see your face
And I know right where I fit in
Take me, make me, you know that I'll always be in love
With you
Right til the end ooh

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you

Anybody could've told you right from the start
It's bound to fall apart
So rather than hold on to a broken dream
We'll just hold on to love

And I could find a way to make it
Don't hold on too tight
I'll make it without you tonight

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times we had tonight
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hey moles

I'm listening to these guys lately

I love OK GO because of their videos are beyond cool

I hate the magic numbers, because Romeo Stoddart looks like Guru Pitka

But then I heard their tunes on my pal's iPod and fell in love

And, royksopp is awesome. Because of the vids and Erlend.

this is Royksopp, and I thought one of em is Japanese based on this pic, stupid

Stoddart is the 2nd from right who looks like guru pitka, and the guy on his right looks like Robin Pecknold in ten years

and finally OK GO, this is the pic of their treadmill vid, uber cool, i like their "this shall too pass" too

PS: Is it better to do suicidal stuff? Tomorrow's Monday. I haven't done those physics tasks.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Stop Motion

VVelcome to my 2nd post, moles.

Things are getting crazier lately, don't ya think?

People are getting weird, they gave up all they have just for money.

The press are getting mad, they want to make news, but none of them are facts.

Parents is also getting mad, their children went off and back in the morning with such an alcoholic face.

The "it girls" are getting bitchy-er, they do alcohol, cigars, pub to impress people. No I am not that kind of people. I won't be impressed, no matter how hard you try, biatch.

Boys are getting wild, they knocked up girls. So MTV made this "16 and pregnant". Thanks boys.

Religious leader is getting modern. Jesus has a twitter account, hey it's good! So that we can find out when he will go down to earth.

My family is getting randy, my uncle died last Saturday in such a tragic way, I think.

My friends are getting weird, but hey, life as a teenagers is a roller coaster ride.

And finally..

I AM getting crazier, my heart, my mind, my body they just don't corporate well lately. Many problems mainz in my mind. Whether it is homeworks, exams, friends, family, economical problems, friends, homeworks, etc. Making a blog like this and the other fun craps with my friends really helps! Danke meine liebe freundinen!!

for entertainment purpose

oh and for those who mocked my force, FUCK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY DEAR muchos gracias!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


A thousand mile journey begins with the first step-Lao Tzu

Hey moles!
Ok jadi ini bukan kali pertama gw bikin blog, tapi yg dulu gagal dan udah membusuk ga keurus jadi yaaa gw buatlah ini.

Untuk ke depannya mungkin gw bakal ngepost dalam bahasa asing. Bukan, bukan tagalog atau apalah yg keriting-keriting, gw ga bisa.

Well, a little bit sharing, at first I felt a bit hesitancy to make this blog. With some request (preeet) I made this. And taraaaaaaaaaaa here it is. But it's okay, I'll accept all the rave notices, maybe hehe.

The loveliness of Paris
Seems someshow sadly gay.
The glory that was Rome
Is of another day.
I've been terribly alone
And forgotten in Manhattan
I'm going home
To my city by the bay.
I left my heart
In San Francisco
High on the hill
It calls to me.
To be where little cables cars
Climb halfaway to the stars!
The morning fog may chill the air.
I don't care!
My love waits there in San Francisco
Above the blue and windy sea.
When I come home to you
San Francisco
Your golden sun will shine for me!