Saturday, December 31, 2011

vvelcome 2012

whoa I can't believe that it's the 31st of December already.. well at least in where I am right now

and btw, I'm such a bad blogger yes? :))

This NYE might not be the best one. I don't go to anywhere special, or do anything that is wow enough. In the last day of 2011, I want to spend some time to think and summarize all that happened to me thru' the year. Well maybe I won't tell all of those here I'm just too sentimental for that. In summary, 2011 is not "the" year. I got ups and downs the whole year. mostly downs. Yes I know that it is not good to spread a negative energy, here, when everybody else is having a celebration. But that's what happened.
And I don't want to make any other resolution shit, because every year they ended up undone and just a waste of pen and paper. So now, let me write my "2012 goals" or idk....

1. Graduated from high school with some bad-ass scores
2. Accepted in an Art/Design Faculty either in ITB or IKJ
3. Have my teeth done (put on braces)
4. Done at least 3 art project before the end of the year
5. Able to play an instrument properly
6. Have at least 3 videos on vimeo (which I made a long time ago but still 1 vid in it)
7. Learn French
8. Have savings account
9. Got my licence before the end of the year
10.idk what the last is because 9 just seems stupid for a list, tee hee

How's that? I'm just praying that I could make all of those possible. Wish me luck and

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Gw tiba-tiba pengen nonton gig rock/alt/indie pop. Tiba-tiba.

Kenapa dev? Malam ini, tadi, gw iseng buka youtube dengan tujuan mau nge"stalk" orang. Tapi semakin ditonton, semakin pahit yg didapet, bukan info yang dibutuhin. Dan sayangnya orang ini bermain di aliran favorit gw, jazz.

Seketika itu juga, gak tau kenapa, langsung jd benci sama genre itu. Iya emang sinetron abis. Rasanya mau jingkrak-jingkrakan dengan alunan lagu keras. Tapi gak sekeras metal juga, belum se-hard-core itu.

Band yang lagi pengen gw tonton : NAIF (berhubung punya kaosnya, jadi yaa..), White Shoes and The Couples Company (musik apik favorit jaman smp), THE S.I.G.I.T, dan jebolan-jebolan myspace lainnya.

Gw tau ini mendadak. Apalagi hari Minggu besok gw harus menghadiri salah satu acara bertemakan jazz kental.

Semoga ini cuma sementara.

Friday, April 22, 2011

they are not what they are in 140 characters

I was nobody. Until they taught me with their music, with what they brought to us. Just find your passion, follow it, get lost with it, work hard on it, love it, stick with it. And you could be like them.

I thanked Jazz that brought me into these supremely nice people.........

Dira said "Barry is just like my own little brother...." aaawh :3

I asked her to fulfill my "secret" project

Matthew and me. I look retarded. Well I owe him a free ticket for the gathering because he gave me this crazy pose ;D

I maybe a nobody. But nobody can make such a moment like this.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

better late than never

Java Jazz Festival 2011 :)

Ps: sorry I don't upload all the pics, 2 lazy 2 do 2 the rest maybe would be on my flickr ;)

Mostly Jazz March 20, 2011


So, 6 days ago I went to Mostly Jazz at Red and White Lounge, Kemang with my friend. I don't really have the intention before. But when I surf on twitter and found out that the artists were ALL MY FAVORITES I decided to go there day-2. Unfortunately I caught a pretty bad flu so it wasn't really cool to look at a snobby teen hangin' around at a fancy lounge like that.
But here's some good news. Earlier on twitter I spot one bangber's tweet that said that he loves chocolate (well everybody is), so when me & my friend walked around the street I was searching for a minimarket. At 1st I was just thinking for something like alfamart/indomaret/circleK, but what I found was Boxmart, with adults hungover beers on the front door. I straightly went to the chocolate section and bought Silver Queen and a small Toblerone (u can see the pic when bangber was holding these).

After the first show (they were doing
GREAT by the way), I gave the chocs and he was like "Awwww.... Thx! ;)" GOD PINCH ME PLEASE, SOMEBODY?! We took some pics and I asked him due to my "secret project", but he just stayed for a while because later they'll have some jamming session. He asked us to keep his chocs while he was jamming, that means me and my friend must stay until the show's over......................................(*_*)

While he was having his jam session, me and my friend went outside to the gazebo when all of a sudden Dira Sugandi came over and we sat together. She told us so many things. From her career until her personal life. Me and my friend was just sitting there like a pile of dummies and wowed with her look that night. One thing u should know more about her, she's kind. And by the mean kind, I mean REAL kind. She doesn't act as if she was an artist. Appreciate that :)
The jam session was over at around 12.30 am. Oh, and btw, we were so lucky to got the seat where we can look directly to the stage! :p

After the show was over, bangber came to our table. We didn't even notice until he came in faints and said, "Capek juga ya..." and continued to ate the chocs. What an anti-climax u gave there -_-'
Aaaaanyways, we talked about A LOT of things that goin' around. It's either about his or our stuffs. He also told us how tiring is that to read all the crazy mentions lately. And a wee bit whining face that was............uber cute. HAHAHAH. We just told him, with a
very-sotoy-face, that he shoulda ignored those creepy stalker on twitter, and thank God he said that he feel relieved after talking this with us ;D

He also showed me some of my photos that I emailed him before, and showed one that he really love and used it for his, I forgot, the display picture or something. I feel honored. Like, really, really honored. And he wanted ME to give his photos to be used for his profile whenever there is an interview or something. ARE U NUTS????? I almost not breathing that time.

After we had a quite long chit-chat, he said "Sorry I can't drive u both home, my car is full :(" gosh I'm gonna punch my own face. Hearing him saying that, was beyond expectation so I didn't feel upset or anything.

Dira went earlier. She gave us kiss on the cheek. PRAISE THE LORD. I was so awkward I thought Paulie Bleeker was below my awkwardity level *wtf*

Just a few steps when me and my friend waved to bangber and we started to leave the venue, all of a sudden bangber shouted "DEV!!!!" and then I turned my head (trying to be like those girls in the shampoo commercials #epicfail) and then he said, "Ini hp nya ga mau dibawa pulang?" *carrying my cellphone and pretending that he gonna put it in his pocket*
eum............. NERVE BREAKING RECORD, DUH. I looked like a dumbass that time. After that, we (finally) left, searched a taxi, and went home.

I had such a great time there. Love the people, they're god-damn talented and humble. Love the place, it may be small but I would love to spend another hours there. Love the food, eventho it was only somekind of nacho-chips? idk.

ps: next Sunday I had planned to go there again, I hope my parents will let me and give me some $$$ too. Amin :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

shades and sorrow

He gave her hopes
but leave her in tears
She left her canoe on the river bank
and dove into the sea of uncertain feelings
She came back and pedal her canoe to the mountain river
Which full of impossibility
She struggled and finally reached the peak
But even on the highest spot
She is still in his shadow


Monday, January 24, 2011


No life recently. So here I am. Back to blogging.
This time I'm gonna re-post Kamga Mohammed's tweets with a tag "malu".
What about copyright? Fortunately he gave me the permission to re-post :)

Devi Merakati
Masbro @ izin repost tweet nya ya di tumblr. Inspiratif :)

kamga mohammed
@ silakan :)

Ok, well maybe I don't re-post this on tumblr. Hahahaha but whatev.
So here goes...... (the followings are in Indonesian, so for you guys who is a foreign reader, google translate won't help yall)

  • klo jd seleb trus ketus2 ke fans dgn alesan capek pdhl Beyonce jauh lbh sibuk dan terkenal ramah sampai skrg
  • klo jadi fans tp g bs hargai privasi dan cari2 perhatian idolanya krn smua fans yg deket sama idolany adlh yg sebaliknya
  • klo blg ga bs berkarya karna ga ada inspirasi smentara dunia diciptakan segini indah dan warna warni setiap hariny.
  • klo hidup ga pny tujuan dgn alasan "gw kan masi muda" smentara Justin Bieber ud jd org plg terkenal satu dunia di umur 16.
  • klo marah2 gara2 macet, pdhl didlm mobil pake AC dan anak2 jlnan yg diluar keujanan malah cengar-cengir seneng.
  • klo pekerjaan jd alasan putus kuliah, smentara Natalie Portman bs trus kerja dan lulus dr Harvard di waktu bersamaan
  • klo g mau dgrin musik Indo dgn alasan ga mutu pdhl dia aja yg males nyari yang mutu
  • klo mau jd aktor tp males casting, smentara Ellen Page pas 16thn sampe botakin kepala ny cuma buat lulus casting Hard Candy
  • klo mau jd musisi/penyanyi tp males latian, kebayang ga JT yg nyanyi nari bikin musik latian ny kyk apa tiap hrnya
  • Terakhir, klo g bs bhs inggris, dan lbh lgi klo suka ngmg bhs inggris karna ga suka bhs indonesia

That's all for today. Honestly those tweets really opened my mind and I went from "Hmmm" to "Dang, this is........ This is true. Why don't we......"
So I hope you guys can get the messages that Kamga's wanted to deliver with those tweets :)