Friday, September 17, 2010

Tribute to Herman Leonard

Herman Leonard, known as a jazz photographer. He had worked with many jazz legends such as; Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, until Frank Sinatra. He had collect 60.000 films of his photoshoot. Daym.
Too know further click here
and for the Indonesian language.

Although I just have known him for a while, he had become one of my inspiration, in photography d'uh. He made black and white blends with the smokey atmosphere of jazz become stunning. And as I see his portfolio, it has give me a bigger passion and further knowledge about music photography (which is I got deep into since.......idk).

Herman Leonard, signing for his book at one event idk what it is

And these are some of his shoots that impress me, ALOT.

Soon I'll be just like him. No, not literally bald and white bearded...... I mean, I hope someday my shoots could be as astonish as his. Amen :)

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